guides for the journey

Winter Jade Icely

Magdalena has been a veiled presence throughout my life; folded inside the petals of every experience that has awoken the radiance at the core of my heart.

Magdalena is the grace that evokes my helplessness in the face of the beauty of life. It is a willingness to BE this life; to transmit and embrace every colour, texture, tone and taste.

Magdalena is both the serpent and the sword.

It is the column of light erecting our spine with the remembering of who we and where our life is sourced.

It is the bridge to all worlds, all kingdoms through the remembering of this shared LIFE and its inherent sacredness.

Magdalena is the rites and rituals that anchor the worlds within and without.

It is the marriage of Christ and Mary inside US. It is our own crucifixion, resurrection AND descension. The holy union of spirit and matter LIVED now, on this planet in sacrosanct bodies.

Magdalena is a gaze that cracks open the heart in grief for all the times we forgot

That we are this love.

It is the healthy shame of our own amnesia.

Magdalena is the eternal embrace for the moments we fail love.

It is the soothing whispers of forgiveness before anything ever began.

  • Kaya Levin

    My journey with Magdalene has been one of seeing the world with a new pair of eyes and bringing home all that was left behind. My portal into the sacred gaze is through beauty and devotion.
    She’s the one that returns me to luminosity- I hear her whisper in the flowers and the morning mist, the endless gracious dance of an incense’s smoke, the silence of forests, the soft gaze of another human- the shimmer in the eye that connects all.
    The ’In’ into seeing the magical lands of wonder that veil the world in a light of grace.

    I’ve felt her in my most desperate put her hands on my shoulders, I have felt her heating the blood in my veins, She’s always the hope that carries me forward, the breathe that brings liveliness and the fire that rages justice.
    My journey with her has been a revealing of her in everything, as she’s intimate to all.
    A uncovering of the veil towards truth, over and over again, transmuting it all into divine acceptance and compassion.

    My longing is to build the bridges that have been forgotten, so whoever is searching can find their portal home to her which is home to themselves.

  • Natasha Jane

    I am the beginning and the end of creation
    I am the force of Life itself 
    I am death and renewal in every moment 
    I am devoted to the emergence of the divine feminine being embodied on this earth.
    Being remembered through the core of our hearts and wombs, through our sisterhood and our shared humanity. 
    I am devoted to the pure expression of Life; wild, chaotic, free, raw, feeling everything and loving ALL.
    There is no way forward for humanity without this deep remembrance of the rites and rituals connected to the feminine mysteries. 

    Magdalene holds the key. 

    She is the embodied love of All of creation. 
    She will be here until the end of time, until every part of us knows truly that it is Love. 
    She is the harmony and the beauty of Nature, the dance of creation speaking through every single atom. 
    We do not need to ascend to meet her, for she is within us, whispering from inside our own hearts. 
    It is time to turn towards her and listen. 

  • naama barkan

    There are many sacred ways to come into the feminine mysteries. In this moment, I hold in my heart the sacredness of holding the masculine energy in my depth, like a seed in my core, as my heart vibrates and radiates the love of Magdalene, love itself.

    It is the quality of holding in the presence of the vibrational feminine, that makes the feminine so sacred to me. the feminine can appear soft as a clear lake or hard as rain shattering in a storm, the union between the ability to be in the vibration, and be the storm itself that is my gateway to the grace in the temple of Magdalene.

    Magdalene reflects through my heart in fierceful loving, that breaks into tears, creates the rivers and the many faces of waters.

    I am grateful for her graceful presence, as it makes me feel truly alive.

    I am learning to lead from the truth that is in my heart, and I wish to bring that into the work of the Magdalene's teachings.

  • celeste gonzalez


    To me feels like life in its most fierce & loving way. She is the force that permeates the places of my being that gently open to her guidance and that ravishes the ones that are frozen in resistance.

    Magdalena is not a person, not an identity, not one singular unit of anything really.

    She is the deep wisdom of the heart of all of existence and she sings to me in the many languages of love. I have come to be her student, servant, priestess not through books, not through stories or teachings, but much more in the ways of listening. She whispers through all forms, always. I get that now.

    She is there in the dark & light, but more so in the space beyond.

    She lives where magic resides, where humans, animals, plants & stones meet as one, where you become I and I become you. Her grace is endless, Her power is ruthless,

    Her love is all that I know to be true.

    Magdalena. Oh, how I love you, Magdalena.

  • Olivia

    My Magdalene heart

    The meeting with Magdalene has infused a fiery path of soul initiation and evolution with the love and belonging which sits at the cornerstone of my heart.

    Through her myth, her gospel, her archetypal prayer
    I am reminded of what was never lost
    Ritual, magic, moments of surrender
    The truth of my tender sweet blazing Magdalene heart.

    My journey with Magdalene has been one of dipping my fingers into oceans and earth and feeling the deeper truth of who I am and how Life wants to move me.

    I feel Magdalene in the bravery to be that which wants to express
    A wild soul encased in immanence
    A woman, a lover, a ritualist,
    A seer of truths, a lone wolf, a renegade,
    A walker between worlds, a devotee, a Priestess, a perfectionist
    An untamed heart beating beyond gender, colour, creed and denomination.

    I meet Magdalene in the still moments
    Amongst the trees, in sea spray and ceremony
    I feel her when I lose myself in myself and kneel at something greater
    Something far beyond myself to remind me
    I can look always look to the offing to see
    I am already home
    I am already whole.

    It is from this place, I serve.

    Soul midwifery by any means possible.
    Earth as God.
    Life as muse.
    Leadership as love.

    Thank you Magdalene.

  • Brighid Rose

    Magdalena has been a guiding force on my path of descent and dissolution, mystery and magick, wildness and witchery.

    For seven years I have been traversing the realms of sacred sexuality, archetypal embodiment, and the temple arts, and it has been my relationship with Magdalena that has nourished my emerging soul like no other.

    First I saw Magdalena as a woman, but I now know this being as a force of life itself; as an infinitely multi-faceted expression of the Love that rests within the very core of our existence. Magdalena calls to us from inside our bones, vibrating us from the inside out and inviting the very matter of our bodies into deep, devotional presence.

    This pulse of life is available for all of Humanity, regardless of body type or gender identity or religious beliefs. Magdalena is the sustaining voice of unconditional love that has been preached and burned and cancelled in every which way, yet never falters.

    I am in service to that which is emerging, from myself, others, and the world. I see the mysteries evolving, those that have been coiled within our wombs have revealed their secrets and are calling us deeper into an embodiment of a primordial wisdom that reaches far beyond what we know and what we’re comfortable with.

    Magdalena for me is the full spectrum of life as it is emerging moment-to-moment, from the deepest, intimate intricacies of my own internal world, to the tapestry that is woven by the threads of every human heart, to the vast expression of cosmic existence - and it is this ecstatic expression and embodiment of LIFE that I stand for, pray to, and am committed to bringing more of into this world.

  • Amelia

    She reaches into the dark,
    Through the shadows that obscure the path.
    She is the heartbreak at the end, when there is nothing left to give,
    The wholeness that fills the spaces between life and death,
    The lifeblood of Love that anoints me,
    The courage to return to Love again, when all seems lost.

    Magdalene has revealed echoes within my heart,
    Tracing back through time, through a thousand doorways,
    To the untouched caverns of my Soul.

    I have been brought to my knees,
    Sweetly remembering my ancient capacity for love and devotion,
    My inner gnosis of truth.

    Through the deep grief and love within my heart,
    She offers me her hand,
    Showing me the eternal capacity of my love,
    and how to share it.

    A remembering of a greater Love,
    Allowing life to surge in me,
    Like the sweetest downpour of rain on thirsty soil.

    She speaks to me through soil and stone,
    Through bone and blood,
    Through divinity in matter,
    Showing deep reverence for my ancient earth kin.

    Uncovering the mysteries of the feminine within myself,
    Began with her.
    Uncovering the forgotten ways,
    Began with her.
    Began with her.

    I am deeply in service.


Magdalena is the sweetness of the rose lifted up by a stem of thorns that speaks to the unstoppable beauty and force of LIFE.