
Magdalena initiation was one of the most profound experiences I have ever had. It has been truly transformational on so many levels, it is hard to put it in words.

The aliveness I found within myself and in the days and weeks after have given me a sense of truly returning to myself.

Initially I came up against the numbness state I tend to slip into when I find myself back in the city, in the system I live within, designed for this, upon my return. In the past I would have fallen back into a victim of this, but I know there is more, and I am now truly a devotee to my soul’s purpose, now and forevermore.

Jacinta, Australia


It’s only been a few weeks after completing the extraordinary journey into Magdalena and I still feel her love running though my whole being…

This journey was the deepest of gifts and I’m so grateful I got to share it with my beautiful daughter.

I never imagined the things that would came through for us, the tears, the shared dreams, the feeling into our ancestry and the incredible bond not only as mother and daughter but as passionate woman of this world.

My desire is to share this with others and invite them to the depth of this work. Much love ❤️

Romina, Auckland


I was raised as a high achiever climbing the ‘successful’ ladder of patriarchy and mind feeding ascending knowledge.

Magdalena has been for me the healing and remembering of the descending femenine wisdom that we almost lost from thousands of years of patriarchy.

It has truly changed my gaze into the world and empowered the capacity of my heart to meet all polarities. I can’t be the same person I was before this training. I move, see, feel and love differently after Magdalena.

I can’t imagine a most important work to be doing at this point of humanity if we truly want to make a change of direction.

I feel the responsibility to keep embodying this life principle for the future to come.

I have no words of how grateful I am for this work to be out in the world and for the wombs and the umbilical cords that stand for it 🌹

Anna, Spain


The moment I came across Magdalena I knew I had to be there. And yet it was beyond what I could hope for. I found rest and ease in my system as we held the soul’s journey at the heart of everything we did. Winter is an incredible teacher and takes you straight into the heart of the matter.

The journey that so beautifully unveiled a forgotten world of feminine magic and mystery continues to deepen in my life after a month later. And I’m incredibly grateful.

Simba, UK


What I will bring with me to offer the world.

A powerful journey to soul unfolding. A path of inner alignment and polarity integration.

To experience being as a whole, where the inner polarities recognized who they are towards each other, and came to honor and respect their strengths or vulnerabilities to show up in the world from the center, and give, and receive from that space, rather than from a repressive corner.

A space that awakened the sleeping inner intuition and feminine inner powers such cosmic wisdom.

A remembrance of womanhood, not only about the wounds but the powerful gifts we carry as the feminine receptive life creative force. The womb and the blood we share with this planet. The respect for the inner and outer masculine that we naturally carry, love, care and hold.

A sacred healing of the lineages as of the feminine and masculine archetypes.

A loving space to celebrate sisterhood and bring healing love and hope for us all as a unity in and with this planet.

A space touch and integrate the holiness of the sacred whore within.

The journey of grace where the soul and the ego were met and hold with same love, compassion and tenderness; in solid steel presence, as they are one and the same love force.

Sadhana, Mexic


The Magdalena journey was a powerful reclamation of an expanded, multi-faceted, authentic feminine that I feel I am now able to fully embody and enjoy.

I've done multiple years of personal development and work in healing fields and get the ways in which we embodied fully archetypal energies has allowed a dissolution of social conditioning that had unconsciously shaped my self-expression living in this female body.

It felt as if the quality of all-encompassing love of the Magdalene herself came through the beautiful team guiding us to go ever deeper and higher - to re-member those lost and rejected parts of myself and allow them to be revealed.

Kim, New Zealand


A few weeks ago I participated in Magdalena, a deep dive into the feminine mysteries, into the ancient magic that resides in all of our cells all the time. It was potent and deeply transformative. I am still melting into my new form.

I'm feeling softer yet more powerful. Less rigid and more self assured. A new quality of trust is present.

I had my first taste of how it feels to really inhabit this body, this flesh. To fully allow the subtleties of my daily experience, and start to enjoy the feeling in my body.

Aiesha, NZ


Magdalena opened my body and my aliveness.
— Anna, New Zealand

I am sitting here trying to put into words what I’ve experienced at Winter’s Magdalena Priestess Training and nothing seems to do it justice.

To be able to reconnect with the ancient wisdom keepers, to step into temple and rituals, and to step through different dimensions, space and time was like coming home and awoke something within me that I’ve been trying to understand all my life.

Helen, New Zealand


Magdalena was a journey that cracked my heart wide open. I come out of this container feeling utterly full and whole. It has been a journey of retrieving all parts of my soul and returning to my own true vitality. I cannot explain in words the gratitude and reverence I feel for this container, the sacredness of the rituals, sisterhood… Winter so beautifully bridges and balances the cosmic and eternal, with the earthly and raw. Something in me has been transformed and awakened/remembered forever. I pray that this rite of womanhood should be experienced by every sister. This is the wisdom that should be passed down generations of women in ceremony. Always. Thank you.”

— Anthea, Bali