The Remembering

When I was in my twenties I remember reading an incredible book called Midwifing Death by Leslene Della Madre and it literally transformed my life. Reading about cultures that existed on this earth that revered and honoured the sacred feminine in women, of the earth and in cosmology; my cellular memory ignited.

Most of my early life I felt a fragmentation within my experience as a girl and woman, the shame that was imposed upon me for bleeding, for my body, my sexual desires, my dreaminess and softness of heart; I did not feel celebrated. To discover that there were times on this earth where these aspects of a woman were delighted in, where the magick of my feminine gifts were deeply valued were a flame of luminescence for me; illuminating my way.

I finally had something to draw from.

Everything that has ever existed on this earth is part of our cellular memory; the remembering is beneath the surface of our collective consciousness. My mission in this world is to remind other sisters of this, to create spaces and experiences where we can draw from this knowledge and embody the gifts that we are, through the feminine. From this place we can share them with our brothers and community.

There is a place in this world for us and for the unique medicine of woman and of the feminine in all people.

I am at a stage in my life where I am deepening the gifts of the feminine in my own journey; being at home in my body, attuned to my sexuality and the power of my eros but most importantly, I am embracing the softness and slowness of my nature. Listening to the most gentle parts of me, being so soft with myself. In the world this manifests as saying no to things that don't feel aligned, listening to my heart, not letting anyone penetrate me (either sexually or energetically) until my whole being says yes. Making space for my emotions, slowing my life down so I can feel the subtleties. Bringing my imagination and my dreaming nature into my life and work; living from enchantment. Making decisions based on feelings not thoughts.

I want to be part of a new era where these conversations are no longer needed, where this knowledge and wisdom is remembered by all.


I miss you when you are here

